The game consists of three dice. Everyone knows that there are 6 sides of the dice.
The ratio of each side is ⅙. Therefore, SicBo is a classic game that consists of 3 dice.
The players can place bets on even/odd, big/small, points, etc.
The odds of the SicBo are,
Big/small and even/odd, 1 : 1
Total points from 9 to 12, 1 : 6
Total points 8 or 13, 1 : 8
Total points 7 or 14, 1 : 12
Total points 6 or 15, 1 : 18
Total points 5 or 16, 1 : 30
Total points 4 or 17, 1 : 60
Triples (Alls), 1 : 150