This is a special game of the mixture of poker and roulette.
There is a ¼ roulette with the 4 suits of J, Q, K.
The players can place 4 suits, selected suit’s J, Q, K, unselected suit’s J, Q, K.
The odds are the following,
The odds of unselected J, Q, K are 1 : 19.
The odds of 4 suits are 1 : 2.9.
The odds of selected suits of J, Q, K are 1 : 10.
The experienced players of SuperAce88 know that the more betting options, the greater the decision space.
Although the ratio is ¼, there is a history chart for the players to refer to.
We suggest that the players can place bets on suits, unselected J, Q, K and selected J, Q, K to increase the winning ratio.